Reflections on All-nighters

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Oh yeah. It’s 8 am. Just woke up. You know you have an assignment due at the beginning of class tomorrow, but your friends already invited you to hang out, and we all know that takes a minimum of 4 hours. And OH SHOOT! It’s 8 am! Shouldn’t you be at Personal Wellness?!?! 9 am. You eat. 10 am – 2 pm. You pretend to do something important like cleaning your dorm (when there’s nothing to clean), reading a book you usually hate but find interesting the moment you have to complete an assignment, and just sleeping.

After the entire day’s dissipated into the abyss of young adult foolishness, something dawns on you. Wait. This assignment. It’s 3 pages. The teacher. They said they’re not accepting late work. Wait, what was this assignment about again? You haven’t gotten too scared yet. Then you call your friends in that class. Oh, hold on a minute, you don’t have any!!! Never got anyone’s number from the class?! Finally, the frantic planning begins.

You quickly head over to the spot that is the least likely to get you to fall asleep. Immediately, you tackle the assignment, avoiding creating an outline or layout of the work, knowing that’ll probably take too much time for a person who started a 3 page assignment 8 hours before the due date, because it’s currently 2 am.

Now, there are stages of fatigue that every College student should master. The first: the frantic, hurry-it-up period, followed by the second: the soft quiet period of time where no thoughts are going in your head but they’re all coming out on paper. The third: the slow and sneaky arrival of fatigue. You know he’s coming. He’s a house invader that you’re prepared to keep out of the house, but how can you keep out what’s already inside of you?!?!?!

THE DESIRE TO SLEEP. This desire begins to grow the more you realize that this assignment is preventing you from sleeping. However, once you conquer this overwhelming feeling of the stressful desire to sleep, your body begins to adjust. Your eyes go through a period of metamorphosis where all that’s in between you and your computer is empty space.

Finally, the final stage of metamorphosis. Stage 4: Body-mind-eye assimilation. Your body is now in tune with your eyes and the eyes no longer weigh down heavily on you. You have now overcome all of the stages of fatigue, only to probably (God forbid) end up repeating the process all over again.

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