Glory to GOD!

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On December 3rd, 2022, a group of college students who attend Pearce church together met at the VAC before going Christmas caroling for residents at the College Green. Now, shockingly enough, I joined them despite my strong insistence on remaining far away from anything cold. And the weather seemed to not like me that day. However, I willingly accepted coming caroling with them all, and unsurprisingly, it was great!!! I loved it! Everyone’s immensely positive and excited energy in singing to the people around them strongly – and I mean strongly – kept my two long legs from walking me right back to Miner.

As I sang at the first house, I took notice of my currently thawed (exaggeration, I want you to understand my plight) hands and cold feet. However, I was actually one of the people wearing gloves!!! Many weren’t! What?!?

It made me feel embarrassed, almost, that while I was having an inward battle about whether to go back to the warm or not, many people were in a worse predicament than me! Honestly, this motivated me to thank God for being able to feel the cold, for being able to experience that coldness in my body. Some people cannot. Some people wish to feel something, anything. I must be more thankful.

Unbeknownst to them, this group of insane (insanely amazing!!!) carolers motivated me to stop being so negative. I realized just how negative I am, and I don’t think I told God sorry for that yet! I guess I’ll do it now! I’m sorry, Lord, for being such a negative Nancy!!

The peace that the group leaders exhibited was fantastic, even in the midst of the seemingly endless (at least to me) array of houses that we had to get to. Please don’t get me wrong; I love Christmas caroling, I just hate being extremely cold! Would I do this again or not? I probably would. Just don’t ask me about it, though, before I get a brain freeze remembering it all.

Jesus is Lord, even when I’m freezing cold. I must remember that while I’m here typing up this story about how I was cold, someone freezing in the cold right now wishes they can be warm enough to have control over their fingers. Let’s make sure to pray for people who are struggling. Let’s make sure to be willing to suffer for people who are currently suffering, because that is love. Let’s make sure that whenever it is humanly or even divinely possible to lend aid to someone else in need, we do so with the love of Christ that He bestowed upon us. So I’m sorry, Lord, for not being nearly as thankful as I should be. Even typing on this computer about my silly issues is so much of a blessing. Thank You, Lord.

Reader, what struggle in your life should you really thank the LORD for? Really consider, ponder, what I am trying to say to you right now. What issue in your life should you thank the LORD for the benefit of going through? Does God deserve the glory in the midst of your pain and suffering? Or does He deserve your glory and praise just when you feel good? What pain and suffering has God gone through so that you can get to know Him? Thank You so much, Jesus!!!

To God be the glory in the midst of joy and suffering.

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