Freshman 411 – Destressing in March
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Freshman 411 – Destressing in March

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How do I Destress?

As college students, stress is something that becomes all too familiar. Whether it’s freshman year or senior year, each of us has at one point succumbed to the overwhelming influence that stress can have on our day-to-day lives. This is not the end of the world; stress is a natural part of life. The most successful people in the world have endured their fair share – what truly matters is how you choose to deal with it. The methods that you adopt to combat stress can mean the difference between moving past it in a productive way or getting stuck in a rut until you figure it out. 

There are many different ways to destress, and everyone has different needs depending on their situation. On the days when I have piles of work to get done with no end in sight, I often find myself slipping deeper and deeper into a state of panic and anxiety. However, I’ve also figured out a self-destressing routine that works for me. My perfect combination of destressing techniques consists of listening to some of my favorite Spotify playlists, taking a small break to read a book of my choice, and making myself a beautifully grilled tuna melt with a side of goldfish. Leisurely reading is certainly not for everyone, and music sometimes can serve as too much of a distraction, but one should never underestimate the power of comfort food. 

So the next time you find yourself sinking into a hole of an overwhelming amount of stress, take some time to figure out exactly what you need to pull yourself out. It may take a while to perfect the technique, but once you do, I promise it will be worth it. 

Image from: Harvard Health 

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