Back in Action— But Not Long Without You!
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Back in Action— But Not Long Without You!

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As I was walking one chilly almost-spring night, I just knew that God wanted to use me to help restore Students For Life on this campus. In just two days, a former Roberts club that was on its way to the grave got reinstated. It was miraculous, but it wasn’t profound at first. Despite any misinformation you may have heard, we are not on this campus to stir trouble. We are here to inform the student body about a topic that people do not fully understand. We are here to serve women and children. That is our goal. If you didn’t know, Students For Life is a much larger group than Roberts. Founded in 2006 by a Pro-Life activist named Kristan Hawkins, they serve 1,400 groups nationwide on campuses like ours. Their mission is to inform, serve and raise funds to provide for women in desperate situations.

People think what the Egyptians did to the Israelite babies was bad; I believe what we do to the unborn today is far worse. At least the Israelite babies got to scream before they were tossed into the salivating maws of the Nile crocodiles. At least they had a voice. I’m also broken for the thousands of women who want to raise their children but simply don’t have the money. They think they have no other option, so they turn to Planned Parenthood.

“Will I have time for this?” has been an ongoing thought to God. “I’m a track athlete,” I say to Him, “a chaplain, taking eight classes, and oh yeah, God— I don’t care for politics.” Through reflection, I now believe these excuses of mine are not obstacles but advantages to this cause. God has made it so that I have to rely on other people here at Roberts. God doesn’t just want to use me here for this cause. I believe there is a remnant here that is eager to serve Him. I have come to this position for such a time as this, and in an odd way, I’ve never been more satisfied. I do it all for those who don’t have a voice. 

If you have any interest in this group, I want to encourage you to join. Take the risk for God. And if not for Him, for your community. We need you! They need you. Don’t watch as our culture embraces one of the largest and most deceptive genocides humanity has ever seen.

I will do all I can for this cause, but soon, I will graduate, and Students For Life will be presidentless again. What will you do then? Will you watch in silence, or will you use the time God gave you to make a change?

Our club meets every Wednesday in the GCEC in room 109 at 1pm-1:30pm. We also do table talk events and fundraising events. If you have any questions, reach out to me via email ( You can also follow @sfl_robertswesleyan on Instagram for frequent updates. God bless.

She Thinks She’s Reaching For Mommy’s Hand (Sketch) – Michael Sanders – Acrylic paint on paper, 3/29/23

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Michael Sanders

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