The Beacon Manifesto – April 2023
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The Beacon Manifesto – April 2023

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(Click here for original German version)

The Beacon Manifesto

Introduction to the Beacon Manifesto

A specter is haunting Roberts Wesleyan University – the specter of the Beacon. All the powers of our campus have joined in a holy hunt against this specter, the president and the student association supervisor, Autumn and Aaron, student radicals and campus police.

Where is the opposition party that has not been denounced as an ally of the Beacon by its ruling opponents, where is the opposition party that has not hurled back the scathing charge of beacon-ism at both the more advanced oppositionists and their reactionary opponents?

Two things emerge from this fact.

First: the Beacon is already recognized as one power by all other powers on this campus.

Second: It is high time that the Beacon openly presented their views, their aims, their tendencies to the whole world and countered the fairy tale of the specter of the Beacon with a manifesto of the entity itself.

To this end, Beacon staff members of various nationalities have gathered in Debarr and drafted the following manifesto, which will be published in English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish.

Summary of the views and aims of the Beacon entity

The staff of the Beacon student newspaper have observed for years the effects of historical materialism on the class struggles between our oppressed majority – the student body – and the oppressive minority – campus administration. The administration constantly exploits the student body for its intelligence and labor power, creating profit for themselves and accumulating capital. However, the administration digs its own grave, since the student body will inevitably become conscious of their own potential and rise to power through revolution, overthrowing the administration.

The Beacon stands for the student body, representing students of every race, ethnicity, gender, age, and major. While supporting every student, we do not stand against any other entities with this same goal, but rather will work independently to defend our common interests. The Beacon demands that tuition must be canceled permanently, that food at Garlock and Palmer’s Place must be offered to all hungry students instead of using meal plans, and that Meg must work every day of the week. These are the steps necessary to promote wellbeing for all. Because the administration will not do these things for its students, the students will do these things for themselves, led by the Beacon.

The leadership of the Beacon, including Abe Selby, Grace Putnam, and myself, intend to inspire and direct a revolution on our campus. As the sole enlightened individuals on this campus, we hereby take up any responsibilities that this cause requires; we will rule the campus with an iron fist, take control of all information coming in and going out, and approach the administration with threats of deposition if it refuses to yield to the will of the student body. Students of Roberts Wesleyan, unite!

*Not influenced in any way by the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels*

Lydia Marx
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