
  • Das Leuchtfeuer-Manifest (April 2023)

    Das Leuchtfeuer-Manifest (April 2023)

    (Klicken Sie hier für die englische Übersetzung) Einführung in das Leuchtfeuer-Manifest Ein Gespenst geht um in die Universität von Roberts – das Gespenst des das Leuchtfeuer. Alle Mächte dieser Schule haben sich zu einer heiligen Hetzjagd gegen dies Gespenst verbündet, der Präsident und der Betreuer der Studentenvereinigung, Autumn und Aaron, radikale Studenten und die Campuspolizei.…

  • Back in Action— But Not Long Without You!

    Back in Action— But Not Long Without You!

    As I was walking one chilly almost-spring night, I just knew that God wanted to use me to help restore Students For Life on this campus. In just two days, a former Roberts club that was on its way to the grave got reinstated. It was miraculous, but it wasn’t profound at first. Despite any…

  • The Need for a Giant Hole in the Middle of Campus

    The Need for a Giant Hole in the Middle of Campus

    The best aspect of our campus is probably the community, but at some point, we all wonder… how can we make it even better? After much reflection and a vision I had on Thursday, I’ve realized exactly what this campus needs: a Massive, 300-foot-deep, 400-foot diameter Hole placed where the Garlock loop currently is. Think…

  • SNL Canceled!

    SNL Canceled!

    Unfortunately, SALT canceled this year’s Saturday Night Live due to an odd and disturbing occurrence. Last week, after a regular rehearsal, the student participants never returned to their dorms and homes. We knew something was up when they did not attend classes for several days in a row. Their families and friends have no idea…