Top 5 Roberts Instagram Pages

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If you’re on Instagram, you’ve probably seen a lot of Roberts pages highlighting everything from people falling asleep in class to memes about what went wrong in Chapel. I’m here to break down the top 5 Roberts Instagram pages for you. 

#5: @globalhonors

The Roberts global honors meme page is what any meme page should be – accurate and hilarious, especially the memes about accidentally stealing that one lady’s canoe. However, I can’t put them higher than 5th place because they rarely post. If they got back to posting as much as they did before, I think they could definitely move up the list. 

Their best post:

#4: @robertsrpmemes

An emerging account about Roberts’ Religion & Philosophy department; I would say that the memes are pretty accurate, knowing most of the people who are featured on it. With time, perhaps it can rise to the top of this list. 

#3: @alternativerobertsmemes

I gotta come out and say it – it’s a pretty well-known and somewhat overrated account. But the memes about campus life lately? Spot on. Especially the ones about Jared Gibbons… I mean, Ron Burgundy. 

My favorite post:

#2: @rwusquirrels 

Roberts has a ton of squirrels, so why not feature them on insta? It’s always interesting to see where people find them, and honestly, if a squirrels Instagram account isn’t the most stereotypical college thing ever, I really don’t know what is. 

My favorite post:

#1: @rwuslacking

There’s nothing funnier than snitching on your friend for falling asleep in class or in the library and snapping a quick pic for RWU slacking. It’s even more priceless to see their reaction when they see the picture later, and the experience is just simply unparalleled by any of Roberts’ other pages. 

My favorite post: 

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