Wellness Week
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Wellness Week

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I would guess that many students on our campus – maybe even you – are feeling unwell this semester. Between your courseload, relationships, family obligations, and struggles with mental and/or physical health, college might be weighing heavily on you. Does this sound about right?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to mark Wellness Week on your calendar. Between March 20-24, the wellness center, SMAC, SAAC, and other entities on campus that you know and love will feature a plethora of events intended to boost your wellness.

You can look forward to a nature walk, yoga, mindfulness education, a plant giveaway, and more. These events will be featured on Instagram by @redhawkwellness, so be sure to follow them and get these events into your schedule.

To further discuss the importance of wellness, I’ve asked a few of our campus leaders to share what wellness means to them and why it’s necessary:

Katelyn Lee

Interim Dean of Students

“I’ve learned that wellness can look different every day – some days it’s treating myself to Starbucks, setting boundaries to create space in my day, or getting a good yoga session in. Other days it’s just simply getting through the day the best way I know how. Most of all, it’s giving myself grace!”

Katelyn Lee

Karen Scheske

Math Learning Specialist and Tutor Program Coordinator

“At The Learning Center (TLC) we care about the whole person, but our focus is on academic wellness.  It is important to remember that just because you struggle to learn something does not mean that you are doing something wrong.  You can grow and learn through your struggles (in fact, you might learn best that way); we want to help you struggle productively.  Make mistakes, be curious about things, stick with it, and visit The Learning Center because we would love to help you achieve your academic goals.”

Karen Scheske

Celeste Donleavy
Associate Dean of Student Leadership & Engagement, Student Association Leadership Team Advisor (S.A.L.T)
“For me, wellness is about filling my cup emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally so I can pour out to others. What am I doing for my well-being to help me love and serve others? You can’t pour from any empty cup.”

Celeste Donleavy

Femi Alao

Assistant director of athletics, senior women’s administrator

“I define wellness as balancing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. I advise student-athletes to set aside a few minutes each week for downtime to check in and evaluate their wellness. If an area is out of balance, determine the root cause and create action steps to help you realign yourself to your wellness goals.”

Femi Alao

Photo credits: @redhawkwellness and respective people in each image

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