At Roberts Wesleyan University, we are more than a campus - we are a community united by faith, service, and a shared commitment to transforming lives through Christ-centered education.
Go ALL IN for the power of giving and support our students in writing their own stories at Roberts.
Help us reach our ambitious goal of raising $500,000 and rallying 400 donors in just 24 hours!
Gifts made under $1,000 = Doubled | Gifts of $1,000+ = Tripled

412 Donors
400 Donors = Unlock $25,000
All In For the Power of Giving
Thank You For Giving
Obafemi Alao
Daisy Algarin
Herbert E. Allenson
Alberta V. Anderson
John P. Anderson
Justin J. Andreozzi
Matthew J. Antonek
J. Scott Atkinson
Colin Avis
Janet L. Balajthy
Jeffrey Barsch
Paul Barsch
Keri L. Bassett
Denise Bates
Laverne W. Bates
Lynn J. Bates
Mary Lou Bates
Andrew Battisti
Christina Bauch
Nelson Bayron
Kenneth L. Beguhl
Linda Berrier
Nancy R. Bertch
Alex T. Bianchi
Evelyn Billings
Kelly M. Bisciotti
Sharon L. Blake
Gabrielle M. Bonerb
Adele A. Bovard
Linda J. Boyce
Steven L. Bradley
Marshall Braman
Pam Braman
Joan Brimlow
Jodi Brouwer
Arthur S. Brown
Kevin J. Brown
Kristen Brown
Kyle F. Brown
Rachael E. Brown
Claudia L. Brunea
Reyers Brusoe
Reyers P. Brusoe
Gillian E. Buettner
Kathryn E. Buettner
Olivia A. Buettner
Marvin A. Burrows
John Buszka
David Bynoe
Judith A. Caramia
Peggy Carbonel
Susan Carter
Annemarie Dowling Castronovo
Nicholas Castronovo
Steven Castronovo
Al Cellura
Jenny L. Champeau
Robert D. Chapman
Steven B. Chastain
Wendy A. Cheruiyot
Todd Choate
Irene M. Churukian
Kristina Clancy
John F. Cleary
Robert M. Coleates
Beverly Coleman
Louis E. Colon
Susan Comerinsky
Margaret E. Comfort
John D. Cooke
Blake Costa
Brian Cousins
L. Mark Coveney
Anne Cowie
Christine C. Rogers, CPA
Marj Cunningham
Anna S. Antonopulos, D.O.
Annette Daigler
Michelle E. Daly
Todd W. Daningburg
Sharon L. Davis
Michael Dedee
Mary Ann DeJohn
Curtis W. Despard
Lisa R. DeVinney
Scott DeVinney
William DeVinney
Raquel Diaz
Rachel B. Dietrich
Marna L. Distaffen
Rebekah A. Distaffen
Robert F. Distaffen
David H. Doak
Bradley J. Donahue
Andrew Dorr
Travis Dues
John L. Easton
Linda S. Easton
Benita M. Eldridge
Marilynne Emmons
Karen Fanara
Mike & Bev Faro
Clark E. Faulkner
Constance M. Fee
Peter W. Field
Stephen G. Field
Claude Fillion
Mark Fish
Stephen J. Fisher
Gerald R. Fisk
Mary F. Flaherty
Walter S. Fleming
Joan Fletcher
Matt Fletcher
Janice M. Francis
Priscilla Fraser
Sherry Freitas
Melanie French
Anthony Froelich
Lawrence M. Fryman
Emerson Fullwood
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Katie R. Galek
Naomi F. Garwood
MaryLou Giannettino
David S. Gifford
Maria M. Gilluly
Deral D. Givens
Chad W. Goodchild
Bailey M. Gostomski
Ramona Graham
Julia P. Grimm
Nelson J. Grimm
Nicholas A. Grunert-Loud
Deborah A. Gruttadauria
Sara E. Gurney
Thomas H. Gurnick
Richard Hager
Katherine H. Ham
James R. Harriff
James B. Harrington
Anne E. Hartsough
Ruth E. Haught
Susan L. Hauser
Maryann Hayles
Rupert & Maryann Hayles
Audrey Henderson
Joseph Henderson
Richard C. Herman
MaryHelen Herndon
Kevin Hoffman
Linda E. Hoffman
Eileen Horner
Ou Huang
George V. Hutchinson
Jennifer B. Hutchinson
Philip V. Ingrassia
Alexander M. Burgess, IV
Tom Jacobs
Edwin E. Jaqua
James Jennings
Joshua A. Johnson
Laurie E. Finch Johnson
Burton R. Jones
Denise Jones
Darrell Bell, Jr.
Grove L. Armstrong, Jr.
Joseph P. Turcer, Jr.
Mendal W. Dick, Jr.
Richard Mogab, Jr.
Vincent P. Rodger, Jr.
Walter Wells, Jr.
Wesley R. Skinner, Jr.
Roderick S. Kalbfleisch
JoAnne K. Kandel
Blake W. Kasper
Michele L. Kelly
Erin E. Kennedy
Charles S. Kenyon
Kirk W. Kettinger
Meghan R. Kettinger
Wilma J. Kettinger
Charles Kibbe
Burton L. Kincaid
Steven G. Kocher
Kyle Krchniak
Tayler J. Kreutter
Merely L. Krol
Frank LaNasa
Marcie Lanham
Carol H. Larson
Neva J. Lattimer
Marc Z. Lauzon
Mary J. Laverty
Sean Lawson
Karin LeBlond
Oscar T. Lenning
Meredith Lill
Joan Lock
Keith E. Lohnes
Dennis E. Lohouse
Nancy Long
Charles A. Lowell
Peter C. Lowell
Deborah Lukasik
Michele M. Lupo
Wesley L. Mack
Erin Maggio
Lisa Magliato
Meghan Maloney
Maria Marseglia
Merrilynn Martin
David J. Martinke
Camille Mason
Debra A. McClarin
Rebecca G. McColl
Robert J. McColl
Rob McCoy
Chris McCrea
Maxin D. Mckenzie
Donna McLaren
John W. McNeill
Cathleen A. Meassick
Sharon E. Mendes
Beth A. Merritt
Julie Metzger
Daniel Mitchell
Lance B. Mitchell
Susanne M. Mohnkern
Charles Monahan
Jamie Montemorano
Jeffrey Montemorano
Dennis Moore
Lynne Morotti
Aaron H. Morse
James N. Morton
Roberta Mosier-Peterson
Paul J. Mroz
Zackary D. Mullen
Lindsey R. Mwene
Robert A. Neal
Miles L. Nelson
Justin Niebel
Leif E. Nielsen
Barry E. Northup
Jonathon F. Ollett
Marie Oriolo
Debra K. Otis
Jeffrey M. Otto
Joseph D. Otto
Donna L. Ouellette
Kip & Amy Palmer
Janet Pecnik
Janet G. Pecnik
Zoe M. Perkins
Kathleen A. Phillips
Mikhael Pilato
Joe Pillittieri
Dana Pinto-Cohn
Rei Pizarro
Kristin Pozzuolo
Lester O. Prince
Jason M. Pulver
Cheryl E. Quinn
Shannon Radebaugh
Susan E. Ramsley
Georgia Randall
Donald J. Reiman
Cara E. Reindl
Cheryl L. Repass
Livie's Jamaican Restaurant
Leigh Richardson
Samuel Richardson
Eric F. Riggs
Robert H. Robson
Stephen Robson
Barbara J. Rose
Kathleen R. Rose
Joshua E. Roselund
Eric L. Roth
Susan L. Rudd
David A. Rupert
Joseph Russo
Eustace Rutherford
Eustace L. Rutherford
Timothy Ryan
Diana Saladzius
Susan Santacesaria
Robert Savage
Andrew Schenkel
Jeff Schlagenhauf
Amy L. Schmalfuss
Deborah K. Schmidt
James Schmit
Charles Schwab
Arthur Scott
Harold Scott
Virginia L. Scott
Jeffrey Scribani
Annie C. Sealy
Elizabeth L. Sebastian
Robert Segave
Raymond James Financial Services
Vanguard Brokerage Services
Michelle R. Sharer
Claire Sheavill
David Shockey
Kelly Shoup
Brittany M. Shumway
Susan Simpson
Robert T. Singleton
Kenneth N. Sisson
Ian C. Slater
Darryl D. Smith
Mya Smith
Al Snyder
Alvin L. Snyder
Florence E. Snyder
Vernon Snyder
Lee E. Sortore
Kevin Springle
Vanessa L. Stallkamp
Ben Starling
Trevor Stevens
Grace M. Stiles
Joan Swallow
Shannan Swallow-Monrad
Jennifer Swanson
Josef Sykora
Lynette M. Sykora
Terry Taber
Keli R. Taccone
Ben Taylor
Bridget Taylor
Kathy L. Temple
Andrew H. Templeman
Matthew J. Thomas
Paul Thompson
Bart Tooley
Mark J. Torrey
Don Trzepacz
Alexandra Tucker
Maurice R. Vannest
Maria P. Villodre
Gilbert L. Vining
Khushpal S. Virdi
Morgan L. Wagner
Thalia E. Walker
John M. Walsh
Matthew C. Walter
Robert E. Walters
Shellie Ware
Cheryl Warfield
Elizabeth G. Watkins
Olivia A. Wehle
Christopher H Wells
Christopher H. Wells
Walter H Wells, Jr.
Jack D. West
Mary Jane Wheeler
Heather White
Kimberley Wiedefeld
Patricia A. Wilkins
Branwyn Wilkinson
Tracy Wilmot
Dominique Woods
Daniel Woodward
Donna Woolston
Jennifer L. Zambuto
Melissa L. Zawislak
Stan Ziblut

Joshua Fugate ‘25 (Instrumental Performance)
"I chose Roberts for many reasons, but a couple of the main ones were faith and community, and this isn't necessarily something that you might think when you're looking at being a music Major, but the community that I found here and the ways that I've been able to grow in my relationship with God through the people here has been a once in a lifetime experience."

Dawn (Master of Arts Ministry Practice)
“Every day, I get to learn from wonderful minds, both faculty and students alike. I feel inspired by their stories of how they are living Christ’s mission in the world.”

Larissa ‘25 (Nursing)
“I chose Roberts because I knew coming here would be a sure thing. It didn’t feel like a risk or a gamble compared to some of the other schools I was looking at. I knew that I would be getting the best education here at Roberts.”