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Peer Tutoring & Study Groups

Peer Tutoring FAQs

  • All tutoring is free of charge to students registered in the requested course.
  • Tutoring is available for most courses
  • Peer tutors are undergraduate students who have taken and succeeded in the classes in which you are registered. They understand the professor, their approach to instruction, and the testing style.
  • Peer tutors are trained through our nationally-certified College Reading and Learning Association program (CRLA). Tutors are trained to help you learn how to learn and master your content.
  • Note: Because tutors are fellow undergraduate students, they too have a course load of responsibility. We ask students and families to be aware of and follow the policies and procedures we outline for tutees found on this page.

Drop-In Tutoring Sessions

  • Drop-in help is available for select courses.
  • Writing support via Learning Center faculty and staff is available for undergraduate and graduate writing needs. Appointments are preferred.

Tutoring Policies and Procedures

You must currently be registered at Roberts Wesleyan University and enrolled in the course for which you are requesting a tutor.

You must also complete a Tutor Request Form.

If you cannot keep an appointment, you must call or email your tutor well before your scheduled session.

If you miss two appointments without notifying your tutor, you will not be eligible for tutoring for the remainder of the semester.

You may work with a tutor for a maximum of two hours each week, unless the tutor coordinator approves addition sessions. There may be cases when the tutor will pair tutees together.

Prior to tutoring, please read and agree to the following student responsibilities:

  • Come to the tutoring session on time, and call your tutor if you can't be at the session.  Don't make the tutor wait.
  • Read the material and do homework before your tutoring session.
  • Come prepared with the attitude that you are going to learn.
  • Be prepared with specific questions and know what you want to accomplish in the session.
  • Bring all applicable material to the tutoring session.
  • Be open and articulate with your problems.
  • Put effort into your work outside of tutoring or study group sessions.
  • Strive for independence - don't depend on the tutor too much.
  • Follow the advice of the professor and tutor.
  • Be optimistic and self-encouraging. Don't give up.
  • Realize that you are the one ultimately responsible for your grade.

At the end of the semester, you will be asked to evaluate your tutor and our services by means of an online form. Your opinions about the Learning Center and its services are important to us.

Questions? Contact the Learning Center