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April 26, 2022

Student Spotlight: Rebekah Diegelman’22 (Business Management)

Rebekah Diegelman

Rebekah Diegelman’22 (Business Management) was recently featured in Livingston County News. Diegelman was awarded a $3,000 Jonathan Weingold Scholarship from The Arc New York.

Diegelman says, “I've always wanted to finish up my Bachelor's degree. Roberts gave me the ability to accomplish my goals while working full time and raising a family.”

How has the program benefited her? “It’s helped me enhance my skills, become a better team player, and network with other like-minded professionals. The professors are knowledgeable resources, and they understand the time commitments that I have outside of work.”

She adds, “I am thankful for the accelerated degree program, as it has helped me accomplish my goals.”

Read the full article.
