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December 5, 2022

Roberts Gives Back to the Community through Supporting the Pirate Toy Fund

Pirate Toy Fund 2022

Roberts Wesleyan University student-athletes were up bright and early last week supporting the Pirate Toy Fund alongside Obafemi “Femi” Alao, Assistant Director of Athletics/Senior Woman Administrator. The Pirate Toy Fund is one of the initiatives of the Redhawks Reach Out program that has a personal connection to student-athletes.

Student-athletes shared:

"We always like to give back to the community because it is a great idea to support causes." Nathan Belcastro (Junior, History Major)

"Roberts has always taught me to give back to my community and I love helping out with the Pirate Toy Fund as it is very personal to me." Paige Barkley (Junior, Adolescence Education Major)

Alao shared that as part of the Redhawks Reach Out program, anyone who donates a toy for the Pirate Toy Fund at a Roberts Wesleyan University basketball game between now and Dec. 17 will get into the game free.

The collection goal for this year is 20,000. As of Dec. 4, 18,654 toys have been collected.

Watch the story (PTF Friday Part 3).
