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2010-2011 Catalog | Educational Programs

Preparation for Graduate Work

The number of students applying to graduate programs has increased since more institutions and organizations are requiring that employees have additional work beyond the baccalaureate degree.

Students who expect to apply to a university for further education should maintain an average of 3.00 or above. Further, students should consult with the department advisors and/or the Office of Career Planning and Placement concerning graduate work in various graduate and professional schools and theological seminaries. The Pin Point Career Guidance program and/or Graduate School Day may also assist students with any questions or problems related to graduate education. Seniors applying to graduate schools should take the Graduate Record Examinations during the fall semester.

In addition to graduate programs which naturally fall within the divisions, there are two which are frequently interdisciplinary in content. These are law and library science. Students who plan to enter law school have many options in choosing a major. However, they should use care to select a major which supports either skills or knowledge a lawyer needs. In addition to the major and general requirements, students can select courses in writing, communication, accounting, and logic to broaden their background. Since the quality of undergraduate work as measured by grades and good scores on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) are of utmost importance, students are well-advised to pursue vigorously their academic programs. Students who intend to do graduate work in library science may choose any undergraduate major or minor. The work for the master’s degree may then be completed at most graduate schools of library science in one full year without other undergraduate prerequisites.