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Mar 16, 2025 - Mar 22, 2025
March 16
Women's Lacrosse vs. Assumption University
Time: 1:00 PM | Location: Roberts Wesleyan University, 2301 Westside Dr Rochester NY

March 17
Refresh Worship
Time: 11:00 AM | Location: CLC

March 17
Men's Volleyball@ D'Youville University
Time: 7:00 PM | Location: D'Youville University, Buffalo NY

March 17
Intramural Volleyball
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Location: VAC

March 18
Tag Day!
Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Location: All of campus


Get ready for Roberts Day of Giving on 3/19 with Tag Day! Starting on 3/18 up until the Day of Giving Student Trivia competition on 3/19, be on the lookout for paper tags across campus. Collect as many as you can and bring them with you to the trivia event at 3pm on 3/19 for a chance to win Roberts swag!

March 18
Dance Team Practice
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: Vac - Raquetball Court

March 18
Open Mic Night
Time: 7:00 PM | Location: Fireside Lounge in Library

The Beacon is hosting their second open mic night of the semester! Grab a friend and bring something to read, or just come and listen and be a part of the fun! 

Hosted by the Beacon 

March 19
Roberts Day of Giving Trivia Competition
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Location: GCEC 102

Grab your team and test your knowledge as you compete for $500 for your Student Experience Fund! Sign up here!

Eligible student experience funds are:

- BELL Program Fund

- Honors Program Fund

- Spiritual Life Fund

- Diversity Initiatives Fund

- Career Development Fund

- Campus Mental Health Fund

- International Engagement Fund

- Student Life Fund --> If you want to form a club team, you can do so as part of the Student Life Fund!

- Leadership You

Event Link/Event Registration:

March 19
Intramural Volleyball
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Location: VAC

March 19
Time: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Location: GCEC 102-ABC

March 20
Dance Team Practice
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: Vac - Raquetball Court

March 20
Board Game Night-Sponsored by Business Dept.
Time: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM | Location: Hastings 1st floor multiple rooms

Join your fellow students in a fun evening of food, fellowship, and board games!

Hosted by Professor Joel Hoomans and the Business Department



March 20
FCA Huddle
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM | Location: Fireside Lounge in the Library

March 21
Campus One80
Time: 11:45 AM | Location: GCEC 102

March 21
Dance Team Practice
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Location: Shewan Recital Hall

March 21
SMAC 5th Annual Fashion Show
Time: 7:00 PM | Location: GCEC 102

Join us for the 5th Annual Fashion Show!


March 22
Men's Lacrosse @ St Thomas Aquinas College
Time: All Day Event | Location: St Thomas Aquinas College, Orangeburg NY

March 22
Lifting Club
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Location: Vac weight room

March 22
Women's Lacrosse vs. Molloy University
Time: 12:00 PM | Location: Roberts Wesleyan University, 2301 Westside Dr Rochester NY

March 22
Time: 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM | Location: Hale Auditorium, CLC

It's that time of year - SNL is taking place in Hale Aud on March 22nd. Come watch our student-led variety show, featuring comedy, singing, dancing, or whatever our students are wanting to showcase! 

Can't make it in person? Here is the livestream link: