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2011-2012 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | Introduction

Our Heritage

Roberts Wesleyan College, originally Chili Seminary, was founded by Benjamin Titus Roberts in 1866. Roberts was an evangelical Methodist minister and the first General Superintendent of the Free Methodist Church. He and the other founders of the Church affirmed the view of Christian teaching, personal piety, and social action taught by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. The Church’s official teaching in its Articles of Religion clearly shows its roots in historic orthodox Christianity. Its heritage can be traced through the thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, the Augsburg Confession of the Protestant Reformation, and the great historic creeds of the early church, such as the Apostles’ Creed, back to the Scriptures, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The heritage of the College within the Free Methodist tradition has been of major importance in the development of its educational programs. Stating his purpose for founding the school, Roberts wrote, "While we cannot prize too highly the benefits of mental culture, we should not lose sight of that moral and religious culture which lies at the foundation of correct principles and good character." Continuing in its Christian heritage and its dedication to "education for character," Roberts Wesleyan College remains committed to the mission of integrating learning and a Christian worldview.