Academic Honesty
Roberts Wesleyan College seeks to promote personal and intellectual integrity within the academic community. Honesty and trustworthiness are not only fundamental principles of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but essential practices within academe. The following behaviors are, therefore, unacceptable:
- Cheating in its various forms
- Plagiarizing (i.e., presenting someone else’s words or specific ideas as one’s own, including inadequate documentation of sources and excessive dependence on the language of sources, even when documented)
- Violating copyright laws and license agreements
- Denying others appropriate access to information in the classroom, library, or laboratory, including but not limited to removing materials from the library without checking them out, removing pages from books or journals, hiding or intentionally damaging materials or electronic information
- Destroying, altering, or tampering with someone else’s work
- Submitting the same or similar work for more than one course or assignment without prior approval from the professor(s)
- Destroying, altering or tampering with academic or institutional records
In cases involving questions of academic integrity, a faculty member shall follow procedures outlined below, typically beginning with direct interaction with the student. If a student wishes to appeal, discussion must move through approved procedures. In no case shall the faculty member’s perspective, authority, or autonomy be violated. Similarly, in no case shall the student’s right to a fair hearing through the Institution’s Academic Grievance Policy be denied.
The Registrar of the College is the Officer of Record concerning matters of Academic Integrity. The Registrar maintains an Academic Integrity File containing all written documentation concerning instances of integrity violation, including the nature of the offense(s) and subsequent action(s) taken. The records of all students with more than one documented violation shall be transferred to individual academic files and noted, as appropriate, on permanent transcripts.
Each academic department may have a written policy regarding issues of academic integrity. However, a departmental policy does not replace institutional procedures; that is, when it is determined that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, a faculty member will report the incident to the Officer of Record.
In addition, there exists an Institutional Academic Integrity Committee made up of the Officer of Record and three faculty members. This committee shall advise faculty in first-offense cases, hear a first-offense case if a student requests a hearing, review all cases beyond the first offense, and recommend disciplinary action in relation to the nature and number of the offense.
Procedures for Faculty
A faculty member who suspects, but is not certain, that a student has violated academic integrity may:
- Seek clarification through discussion with the student
- Seek counsel within the departmental policies and procedures
- Seek advice from the Officer of Record and/or the Academic Integrity Committee
A faculty member who determines that a student has not acted in accordance with standards of academic integrity will:
- Notify the Officer of Record, as well as the Department Chair
- Provide the Officer of Record with a written statement documenting the offense
- Notify the student of the procedures and possible consequences
- Issues the appropriate course-related penalty, pending an investigation by the Institutional Academic Integrity Committee if the student has had previous offenses
This process should be completed within 10 business days* of discovery of the incident.
Procedures for Students
A student who feels falsely accused of violating academic integrity may:
- Resolve the situation with the faculty member
- Discuss the situation with the Department Chair
- Request a meeting with the Academic Integrity Committee within ten business days (ten days when the College offices are open) of being informed of the incident by a faculty member
- Appeal decisions through the Institution's Academic Grievance Policy within 10 business days*
Policies related to Offenses
First Offense:
The faculty member, with consultation if desired, shall make a judgment concerning the nature of the offense and appropriate disciplinary action to be taken. The Officer of Record will then make note of a "first offense," and the student will receive a letter-of-first-offense. The letter shall include disciplinary action taken, the right of appeal, and possible consequences should there be a second offense.
Repeated Offenses:
A second offense can result not only in "failure" related to the specific assignment, but also in course failure and possible suspension or dismissal. The Officer of Record and the Institutional Academic Integrity Committee shall initiate the appropriate investigation and shall determine disciplinary action consistent with the circumstances and nature of the offense.
A third offense and beyond will typically result in temporary "suspension with academic-integrity cause" or dismissal from the Institution.
In cases involving repeated offenses:
- The permanent record and academic transcript shall indicate institutional disciplinary action. Courses for which a student receives a failing grade due to violation of academic integrity standards shall be identified on the student's permanent transcript.
- The student shall receive written notification of disciplinary action and be apprised of the right to appeal through the Institution's Academic Grievance Policy.
- The faculty member and all relevant parties shall be apprised of resultant action.
*ten days when the College offices are open