For full-time status, master's students must be registered for nine credits per semester (not counting any repeated coursework); for part-time status a minimum of 4.5 credits are required.
Registration for the initial semester is completed through the Admissions Office. Registration for each subsequent semester is completed online through R-Serve, after reviewing course selections with the coordinator of academic planning or your faculty advisor. Exceptions to this are non-classroom courses such as independent or directed studies which can be registered for by completing the application for credit for a non-classroom course.
It is best for returning students to complete the registration process prior to the close of the previous semester. The last day to add a class and still be eligible for financial aid is Friday of the first week of the semester. See the "Dropping Classes" and “Tuition and Aid Reversal Schedule” sections in this catalog for courses dropped after registration.
The maximum load per semester (fall or spring) without petition is 15 credit hours. A student in good standing may petition the vice president and dean to take up to 18 credits in any one semester.