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2022-23 Graduate & Non-Traditional Catalog | Academic Procedures | Academic Honesty

Policies related to Offenses

First Offense:

The faculty member, in consultation with the Academic Officer of Record or an Academic Integrity Committee representative, shall make a judgment concerning the nature of the offense and appropriate action to be taken. (Depending on the nature of the assignment and offense, the professor might assign a grade of "F" or "zero" to either the assignment or the course as a whole; require a different assignment for reduced credit; enter into an appropriate "contract agreement" with the student; or the like.) The faculty member must submit the offense to the Academic Officer of Record. In most instances, the Academic Officer of Record shall simply make note of a "first offense." The student shall receive a letter-of-first-offense (via the student's Roberts Wesleyan College email address), including:

  • The right of appeal and
  • Possible consequences, should there be a second offense.

Repeated Offenses:

A student's second offense shall typically result not only in "failure" related to the specific assignment or activity, but also in course failure and possible suspension or dismissal. The Officer of Record and Academic Integrity Committee shall initiate the appropriate investigation (including discussion with the student, faculty member, Department Chair or representative, and all other relevant parties) and shall determine disciplinary action consistent with the circumstances and nature of the offense.

A third offense, and beyond, shall typically result in temporary "suspension with academic-integrity cause" or the recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer of dismissal from the Institution.

In cases involving repeated offenses:

  • The permanent record and academic transcript shall indicate institutional disciplinary action.*
  • The student shall receive written notification of disciplinary action and be apprised of the right to appeal through the process noted above.

The faculty member and all relevant parties shall be apprised of resultant action.

*Courses for which a student receives a failing grade due to violation of academic-integrity standards shall be identified on the student’s permanent transcript.